In the time conventional organizations have begun to fall behind. Everyone swings to the online undertaking. Numerous focal points to maintaining a web business, for example, sparing time, expenses and place. Online organization is developing quickly. In like manner utilizing the World of Digital Currency (Crypto Currency) that was begun by numerous speculators. Advanced Currency Development can't be halted . Individuals today begin contending to spend their wealth.

At Precisely the Same time, the Enormous advancement of blockchain innovation is drastically evolving. Business can bring into the web based business advertise shots. Productive and cost-adequacy incorporation with methods at all levels the manner in which markets work. Huge USPs, for example, straightforwardness, rationality of blockchain. Cryptographic forms of money: a P2P dedication framework around the blockchain, the IOU Platform. Envision the mix blockchain innovations of online business.

The difficulties of online business later on are:

Client Loyalty - This is a critical part and ought not be belittled. Client Loyalty is the principle key

Accomplishing Profitable Long-Term Growth - Retailers need to discover approaches to cut on stock costs, support promoting Efficiency, diminish transport costs, decrease overhead, and order buy yields. Deals is 1 approach to build the organization yet.

Picking The Right Technology And Partners - Needs to expand on an innovation base that is phenomenal. Extension difficulties might be looked by a few retailers because of their innovation is confining Them, or they have procured the to help them handle their tasks. They have to Choose the Best shopping basket arrangement, Stock administration programming, email Applications, CRM strategies, progressively and examination. Also, Choosing the accomplices Or organizations to help them execute activities can restrict their extension. Online retailers Should pick who to use.

Iou Platform – The Ultimate Solution

Satisfaction for your incurred advertising Order to provide management, more flexibility, and Benefits for Merchants to be able to expenditures. Guarantee the greatest possible degree of customer Loyalty systems are reinvented by IOU.

IOU - Loyalty Platform allows business owners to make a new level of interaction with customers and, above all, provides the opportunity for customers to freely exchange their IOU Offers with different consumers for different IOUs which are required more for those trading parties

Deatail of IOUX Token
Symbol : IOUX
Supply : 800,000,000 IOUX
Price : 1 ETH = 800 IOUX


Mar – 17
Market Research
May- 17
Feasibility Study
Jun -17
Prototype Design
Jul – 17
Development Environment SetupStart Implementing Existing Loyalty System Modules into Blockchain Environment
Aug – 17
Start P2P IOU Exchange Development
Sep – 17
Phase I: Module Testing and Q/A
Oct-  17
Finish P2P IOU Exchange Development
Nov – 17
Start Mobile Application DevelopmentStart Phase II: Loyalty Project Development
Aug – 18
Finish Phase II: Loyalty Project DevelopmentStart Phase III: Loyalty Project DevelopmentPRE-ICO / White-Listing
Sep – 18
Start ICO / White-Listing
Dec- 18
Finish ICO / White-ListingFinish Phase III: Loyalty Project DevelopmentExchange Listing Initiative
Jan – 19
IOU Loyalty System Testing Q/A
Feb -–Mar 19
IOU Closed Beta Release
Apr – 19
IOU Beta ReleaseStart EMEA Marketing Expansion Campaign
Jun – 19
End Beta — IOU v. 2.0 Release
Aug – 19
Finish EMEA Marketing Expansion Campaign
Sep–Dec 19
APAC Marketing Expansion Campaign
Jan–May 20
North America / Iberia / Latin America Marketing Expansion Campaign

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Bitcointalk User Name : Cryptohot3839
ETH :0x810aba6667D6A2b87ef4872a5f0999AF01d0245E


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